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Create Collective

Create Collective was birthed out of a vision brought together by three home-educating theater moms.  With Denise Hershey, Claire Ditkowski, and Jessica Howard all having a background in music/theater/art they came together to give their kids the opportunities they have been seeking.  Create Collective is intended to fill the gap for local home educators and give our students a positive experience in the Creative Arts.  

Interested in advertising in one of our programs?  

Shows of 2023

You Can't Take It With You.png
A Night of Doo-Wop.png
Julius Caesar 9-12.png
Julius Caesar 12-18.png
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (2).png

Shows of 2024

MM Cast Cody Website (1).png
Cast Juliana Website.png
A Midsummer Night’s Dream June 2024.png
Number the Stars November 2024.png
CBC Cast P.png
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